NO.73 倒數7天

  「 蝶兒,你怎麼了。」夏馨美見詩淚蝶回來的樣子,跟獃子沒什麼差別。 

  「 我。。。。」詩淚蝶把剛才和簡婭琴說話的內容告訴她們。她們也呆了、 

  「 怎麼會。」留璃月手中的杯子也紛紛掉落。難道自己真的要離開熙? 

  「 我什麼都不知道、」詩淚蝶哭了,自從認識了夜,她從來沒有哭過的她,終於哭了。從來沒有輸過的排球也輸了。。。 

  「 我們離開。。是她必定的,我不想浪費這些時間,我要多和憂一起。」雪柔稀並沒有她們想得那麼脆弱,她不會浪費一分一秒。。。 


  「 呵呵~難道稀兒你會來約我去逛街耶。」聖辰憂牽著雪柔稀的手,他們兩個像非常完美的情人,可是他根本沒察覺到,雪柔稀的心,是在痛,刺痛。他越是對自己好,她越是難過。傷心。 

  「 噢?是么?」雪柔稀假裝微笑。 

  「 呵~那你以後要常約我出去喲。」聖辰憂耍了耍賴皮。 

  「 嗯,」雪柔稀輕聲答應道。要是能有以後,該多好。可是,我們,沒有以後了。。。。。。 

  「 你看那噴泉。」聖辰憂指了指那個噴泉,那個噴泉是多麼雄偉,漂亮。一塊石理板寫著 「 願望心語」 

  「 嗯,我們一起許個願。」雪柔稀拋開一切煩惱,在離開前,一定要擁有一個美好的回憶。 

  「 我希望我聖辰憂和雪柔稀這笨蛋永遠不分開,一起執子之手,與子偕老。」聖辰憂閉著眼睛說。 

  「 我也是。」雪柔稀感動得紛紛留下眼淚,憂!我真的不想和你分開。 


  「 月兒呀?今天怎麼叫我出來咯?這可不像你的性格啊!還到夜淚這裡。」宮在熙怪怪的說道。這還是她的月兒嗎? 

  「 呵呵~,還記得你在這裡跟我告白嗎?」留璃月深情的說道,這裡是她永遠都忘不掉的地方。即使要離去。 

  「 呵呵~記得呢!很清楚。」宮在熙想起那次件事,就覺得舒心。 

  「 你還能再說一次給我聽么。我現在狠想聽。」留璃月微笑道。 

  「 嗯!當然。」宮在熙肯定的說 

  「 dear liuliyue, 

  you are the very air that i breathe, the very love that i need, my heart, my soul, my everything。 the sweetest of my memories come when i think of you。 i remember the very first day that i saw you, i could not believe i was looking at a human being。 i pinched myself the hardest one could ever do so as to wake myself up from the drunken stupor i was in。 for a moment i believed i was in heaven; i even danced to the music the angels were singing。 upon opening my eyes i realized i was not in heaven but that an angel had come down to earth, just for me。 

  the music of your voice surpasses that of the greatest orchestra belting out its very best composition。 your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating like the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water。 your eyes dance like mermaids in the sunshine, promulgating the exotic beauty from within your innermost being。 words alone limit me to explaining exactly how i feel about you。 

  i can say you are the sole comforter to me, the only one who ever took the pain to understand me。 you dry every tear that falls down my cheeks。 loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me and i will forever cherish the moments we have spent together。 

  every night i dream of heaven, and i'd gotten used to the idea that they are looking for an angel, one that went missing the day you stepped into my life, the day all my sorrows were washed away and i took a step into the impossible, crossing the margin from natural to supernatural。 you are my angel and forever you will be。 the one whose memories i will treasure forever till the day i turn into an angel like you。 

  love always, 

  dee gongzaixi」 

