「see mother!(參見母后!)」三人單膝跪地。
「stand up please, we first recall, and identity。(快快請起吧,我們先回憶一下,希的身份。)」
「my english name is: f andrea, is the youngest princess, queen's goddaughter, the british royal family。 yun andrea duke。(我的英文名是:希·安德利亞,是英國最小的公主,英國女皇的義女,英國皇室的寵兒。也是允·安德利亞公爵。)」
「your brother and the sister 's identity。(你皇兄和皇姐的身份。)」
「brother ray andrea, the first prince, also declared that the marquis of ray andrea; the sister cherry, andrea, britain 's first princess, also claims that in andrea earl。(皇兄瑞·安德利亞,英國的第一位王子,也是對外宣稱的瑞·安德利亞侯爵;皇姐櫻·安德利亞,英國的第一位公主,也是對外宣稱的櫻·安德利亞伯爵。)」
「very nice。 now the point, r-h and xi's cooperation plan you at what time?(很好!現在說正事,r-h和郗氏的合作計劃你定在什麼時候?)」
「it's next week from this wednesday。(下個星期三。)」
「do you still have someone?(那你還約了什麼人嗎?)」
「granville silver, yin chunjin and qin anna。(銀威、銀純瑾還有秦安娜。秦安娜就是銀純瑾她媽。)」
「are you ready for open identity?(你準備公開身份?)」
「at least be announced i was r-h's supreme leader。(起碼要對外宣布我是r-h的最高領導人。)」
「i wish you good luck。(那就祝你好運了。)」
「mother, afraid you have called me back to england, only because of this?(母后,恐怕你這次召我回英國,不僅僅是因為這個吧?)」
「still hope the wise, this is to give you three siblings。(還是希最聰明,這次是要交給你們兄妹三人一樣東西。)」侍衛呈上三個盒子。
「the three boxes, each and every one of you to take your pick。(這三個盒子,你們每個人自己挑吧。)」
「these three things, have attacked, earrings, precursor and can absorb toxins, is the best; necklace, can spit deadly fire, is also the pocket of the spitfire gun; hairpin, although no offensive capability, but can be relieved of any toxins, it is vulnerable to the attack。 i hope you can make good use。(這三樣東西,都具有攻擊性能,耳釘,能制毒和吸收毒素,是最好的;項鏈,能噴出致命的火焰,也就是袖珍的噴火槍;發卡,雖然沒有任何攻擊性能,但是可以解除任何毒素,可謂是百毒不侵。希望你們能好好利用。)」
「thank you mother!(謝母后!)」
「i am tired, you off。(我累了,你們退下吧。)」
「erchen resigned。(兒臣告退。)」