第一百二十三章 切,小兒科
「好的。」宮雅兒姿態優雅的站起來,「god may forgive anyone, only those people cannot condone his sin, and give yourself a chance。 give yourself a chance to go, and also give people an opportunity to excuse myself from guilt, amen!」
「great! 宮雅兒, please sit down!you have a good command of english。(太棒了,宮雅兒同學,請坐下!你的能力很強。)」
「thank the teacher praised!(謝謝老師誇獎!)」宮雅兒一邊說,一邊還不忘挑釁地看浠雪一眼,「不過,老師,宮浠雪同學的能力是怎麼樣呢?」
「哦。」浠雪很懶散的站起來,隨口就流利的脫出口來,「in the biography,romance, a violet no attention to the life of trivial do the test, no general to trace their creative process, but a tightly seize the three have their respective areas of artist in common, they vividly acted out in pursuit of truth and long-term suffer story。 the violet, called quot;heroquot;, with the written proposalsthey fight with the fate of mankind have the courage and suffering of the great patriotism。」
「teacher, may i sit down?(老師,請問我可以坐下了嗎?)」浠雪用極其標準的英文問道。