当前位置:萬花小說>书库>科幻靈異>exo之天使的降臨> *49* 校花校草比賽(四)

*49* 校花校草比賽(四)

  「接下來1歡迎目前呼聲最高的安涵汐同學帶來的唱跳歌曲《secret love song》!!」




  台下的觀眾一直在尖叫,而小狼們卻在想:小汐這是在幹什麼啊,這樣的裝扮只有我們才能看到!穿高跟鞋幹嘛,你還小,怎麼能穿高跟鞋呢!?【作者:說得好像你們年齡不小一樣 小狼們:(我瞪,我瞪,我使勁兒瞪) 作者:(舉白旗狀)我認輸】


  《secret love song》

  When you hold reet


  And you kiss me on the dancefloor


  I wish that it could be like that


  Why can't it be like


  that cause I'm yours


  We keep behind closed doors


  Every time I see you I die a little more


  Stolen s the curtain falls


  It'll never be enough


  It's obvious you're meant for me


  Every piece of you it just fits perfe


  Every second every thought I'm in so deep


  But I'll never show it on my face


  But we know this we got a love that is homeless


  Why can't you hold reet


  Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor


  I wish that it could be like that


  Why can't we be like that


  Cause I'm yours


  When you're with him do you call his name


  Like you do when you're with me does it feel the same


  Would you leave if I was ready to settle down


  Or would you play it safe and stay


  Girl you know this we got a love that is hopeless


  Why can't you hold reet


  Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor


  I wish that it could be like that


  Why can't we be like that


  cause I'm yours


  And nobody knows I'm in love with someone's baby


  I don't wanna hide us away


  Tell the world about the love we making


  I'r that day someday


  Can I hold you in the street


  Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor


  I wish that we could be like that


  Why can't we be like that


  cause I'm yours I'm yours


  Why can't you hold reet


  Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor


  I wish that it could be like that


  Why can't we be like that


  cause I'm yours


  Why can't I say that I'm in the love


  I wanna shout it from the rooftops


  I wish that it could be like that


  Why can't we be like that


  cause I'm yours


  Why can't we be like that


  cause I'm yours


  Why can't we be like that


  Wish we could be like that [1]


  (舞蹈什麼的自己想象,至於在這裡插上唱跳歌,是我個人認為《secret love song》這首歌的調好聽,再順便充字數~)




